API Support Functions
EngagementTools Functions

This section describes functions in EngagementTools that support interface with the API.

Create an API message object for logging error and warning messages from the Scaling Code API. 
Returns an APIstruct object for interacting with the API models. This function can read in xml files for ParamStruct, TargStruct, AtmStruct, and GeomStruct
Use to control and query warning message display from the Scaling Code API. 
Load all (or a subset) available data from the specified h5 file into a structure. 
Load MZA Scaling Code API for use in Matlab. Can load either Release or Debug versions, but debugging only works with Visual Studio 2013. 
Returns the path to parameter (P, G, Targ, and Atm) xml files. 
Save all data from the input structure to the specified .h5 file. Any existing file with the same name will be overwritten. 
Returns the target data path. Can also be used to set or change the path. The target data path is used for loading target objects 
Unload all MZA Scaling Code API dll's from Matlab. 
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