EngagementTools Functions

EngagementTools is a Matlab toolbox for computing engagement parameters and provides extended geometry tools for laser weapon applications. Utilities also support the <u>S</u>caling for <u>H</u>igh energy laser <u>a</u>nd <u>R</u>elay <u>E</u>ngagement (SHARE) toolbox and the Atmospheric Propagation Utilities (ATMTools) toolbox developed by ATK Mission Research Corporation and MZA Associates Corporation.

The backbone for most of the functions in EngagementTools are the functions GeomStruct and EngagementStruct and they will be described in more detail in this section. 
The functions in this section provide the user extended geometry tools for laser weapon applications. 
The functions in this section provide utilities to support scaling law analysis. 
The functions in this section are available for user who wish to use data from ISAAC and STAMP within the EngagementTools toolbox. Also in this section is TALOEngage for working with SCALE generated structures. 
The functions in this section are for satellite propagation, including the Sun and moon. Some of these functions were designed specifically for use with the satellite catalog. There is an example script using some of these functions that is installed with this toolbox in EngagementTools/Examples. 
This section describes functions in EngagementTools that support interface with the API. 
The following functions are general utility functions and graphical user interfaces (GUI's) contained in EngagementTools. 
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