General Utility Functions
ATMTools Functions

This section contains functions of general utility in ATMTools

Displays a Matlab figure with version information for ATMTools, and EngagementTools, contact info and links to online forum page to check for updates. 
Add a model type to the standard models recognized by AtmStruct and ChangeAtm. Use with no inputs to get a cell array of model types available. 
Returns aero-optics scaling factors as function of platform altitudes, velocities, and turret diameters. Allows for vectorized inputs, but each nonscalar input must be of the same length. Outputs will then be vectors of the same length as the input vectors. If scaling from non-dimensionalized form, only the final platform altitude, velocity, turret diameter and wavelength need to be specified as inputs. If scaling from one set of (hp0,vp0,Dt0,lambda0) to a new set of (hp,vp,Dt,lambda), all eight input values should be specified. 
Combines individual Strehl ratio terms via area addition method. The area addition method combines degradations that not only reduce the peak irradiance of the beam but also contribute to a spreading of the beam, or increase in area. Thus, $1/S = [1 - N + (1/S_1 + ... + 1/S_N)]$. 
Graphical User Interface (GUI) for editing Atm structures. While the GUI window is open, execution of commands at the Matlab command prompt will be blocked. If the optional output is not specified, the variable Atm will be assigned to the base workspace when the "Commit & Close" button is pushed. 
Converts an Atm structure or array of structures into cell arrays for viewing with Microsoft Excel. If the input Atm structure is continuous, the output will be a single element cell array with the model evaluations that would get put into a single Excel spreadsheet. Otherwise, the output will result in an Excel spreadsheet for each model in the input Atm structure and an additional spreadsheet titled 'Geom' containing z and dz. Each element of the output CellOut will be a cell array of data. 
Locates ATMTools toolbox on the Matlab path and returns the full path as a string to the first occurrence. 
Extract the base model from the model evaluation from an Atm structure. Removes the outer-most wrapper function, i.e. AverageAtm, BoundaryAtm, or TerrainAtm. This function is not recursive. 
Given a structure or array of structures from AtmStruct, returns a vector of multipliers applied to the base model function for the specified effect. 
Converts the model evaluation cell array from an ATM structure into a pretty function call string for display purposes. 
Computes Strehl ratio of input field with optional input mask using phasor-sum Strehl method. Strehl is defined as on-axis intensity in the far field for the input field, normalized to the on-axis intensity in the far field for a uniform input field with the same total power as the input field. 
Create plots of data from an input Atm structure. Also adds a Plot Options menu to the figure window allowing user to manipulate the plot as well as select different data to plot. 
GUI for setting up atmospheric propagation parameters. Can output either a C structure, Atm and G structures, or structure as from turbtool depending on the input type. Also can save a Matlab data file for input to a wave optics simulation. One can also save a data file without opening the GUI, using default options for computing mesh parameters by passing as the first argument the string 'SaveFile' followed by a C structure and the name of the file to save. The file will be saved to the current working directory unless the input file name includes the path. If... more 
User interface for setting fields of the propagation control structure for TBWaveCalc. Primarily used in PropConfig
Computes mesh spacings and dimensions for wave optics propagation. Can be used for both plane wave and spherical wave propagation geometries. Call with two outputs to compute plane wave mesh and with three outputs to compute spherical wave mesh. In order to specify any of the optional inputs, all preceding optional inputs must be specified. When specifying maximum mesh spacings, if any input mesh spacing, dxy1_in or dxy2_in, exceeds the corresponding maximum value, it will get reset to the maximum. 
Computes recommended mesh parameters based on nominal parameters returned from PropMeshParams. First calls PropMeshParams to obtain nominal parameters. If a desired mesh dimension is not input, the nominal mesh dimension is rounded up to the next power of 2 and the mesh size is recomputed. If a user does specify a desired number of mesh points and/or pixel size combination that is invalid, RecommendedMesh will compute and return values for mesh dimension and spacing, whereas PropMeshParams returns 0 for mesh dimension and NaN for mesh spacing. The output structure returns the computed mesh parameters, nominal parameters, and flags indicating... more 
Determines a component Strehl required for the area addition of all Strehl terms to yield the input composite Strehl. 
Returns a structure of computed screen data useful for input to a WaveTrain simulation. Velocity decomposition is done in the target "parallel" (P) and the target "transverse" (T) directions, both of which are transverse to the propagation direction. NOTE: The value of ScrData.Cn2 is equal to Atm.Cn2. If intFlag is false (the default), ScrData.AverageCn2 is equal to Atm.Cn2. If intFlag is true, ScrData.AverageCn2 is computed using AverageAtm. ScrData.IntegratedCn2 is always ScrData.AverageCn2.* and ScrData.r0Screens is computed using ScrData.IntegratedCn2. 
Converts Strehl ratio to rms waves of wavefront error according to inverse of using approximation $S = exp(-(2*pi*wfe)^{2})$ 
Converts rms waves of wavefront error to Strehl ratio using standard approximation $S = exp(-(2*pi*wfe)^{2})$ 
Rotate components of natural wind transverse to the line of sight from the base coordinate frame to user-specified coordinates. Rotation is based on the angle between the projection of the zenith onto the base coordinate frame in the target plane and the input projection. If the geometry structure is input, the base coordinate frame is the target T/P coordinates in the plane perpendicular to the propagation path. Otherwise, the base coordinate frame is such that the y direction is in the "up" direction and all horizontal components of wind are in the x-direction. 
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