General Utility Functions
EngagementTools Functions

The following functions are general utility functions and graphical user interfaces (GUI's) contained in EngagementTools.

Write a cell array of data to a .csv file. 
Loads data from a cell array into Microsoft Excel Worksheet 
clickableLegend is a wrapper around the Matlab function LEGEND that provides the added functionality to turn on and off (hide or show) a graphics object (line or patch) by clicking on its text label in the legend. Call with no inputs to place a clickableLegend on the current plot. Its usage is the same as the Matlab function. For further information please see the LEGEND documentation. 
Function to compare the content of 2 structures with identical fields. Returns a vector of 1's and zeros indicating the fields where the contents are equal. Returns NaN if structures do not have identical fields. I = [IsClose(S1.(Fnames{1}),S2.(Fnames{1}),TOL), ... IsClose(S1.(Fnames{end}),S2.(Fnames{end}),TOL)] 
Locates EngagementTools toolbox on the Matlab path and returns the full path as a string to the first occurrence. 
Extracts specified variables from the input Structure Array and returns a single matrix with variables in each column. 
Function returns names of fields within input structure containing NaN. Does not test substructures. 
Draws a horizontal line on the current axes at the location specified by y. The line is held on the current axes, and after plotting the line, the function returns the axes to its prior hold state. The HandleVisibility property of the line object is set to "off", so not only does it not appear on legends, but it cannot be found by using findobj. Specifying an output argument causes the function to return a handle to the line, so it can be manipulated or deleted. 
Solves approximation to one of several pdes to interpolate and extrapolate holes in an array 
Checks two values to see if they are close within some level of tolerance 
Returns true if input time is during daylight for the input location. 
Determines if and where 2D polylines intersect. 
MARKFIG Add text markings to figures
Add text markings to a figure. The default uses red with a 14 pt font size. The function can return the object handle to the text box for use in changing font size/color, etc. 
Displays the mcode equivalent of the calculation made in the API library. 
Function to open a pdf document and display the page referred to by a named destination in the document. If sectName is not specified, the Matlab function open is used. If used to open any of the user's guides for the scaling code toolboxes, a prefix is required on the function name. An 's' will link to the section in the main part of the document and a prefix of 'm' will link to the section in the Appendix. 
Create and update a progress bar using Matlab's waitbar function. Includes a cancel button. Outputs a function handle that can be used as a callback function. 
Generate temporally correlated random signal from a PSD. 
Rotate x-axis tick labels by a specified angle. For long strings such as those produced by datetick, you may have to adjust the position of the axes so the labels don't get cut off. 
Converts field values in S to a vector of values. Will also return a cell array of the field names. If anything but a structure is passed in, the output will be the same as the input. 
Converts a scalar structure with array fields to an array of structures. This is used by loadH5 to decompress Atm and Geom structures saved to h5 files. 
Displays the syntax (first few lines of the help) given the input function name. If the comment format is not consistent with this toolbox, the first 5 lines of comments are displayed. 
Create an array of structures from the input structure given a vector of values to be set, or set fields in an array of input structures. Any substructures referenced in VarN must be present in the input structure, but scalar fieldnames need not be present. All variables must have the same number of values, and must be the same length as the input structure, if it is an array. 
This function takes in a list of arguments and makes them all the same size. If the optional input ndims is one, the outputs will all be either rows or columns based on the first vector input. If ndims is two or unspecified, it will look at the maximum size in dimension 1 (N1) and the max size in dimension 2 (N2) of all the inputs, with the exception of strings. The outputs will be of size N1xN2. Character arrays will not be repeated. If only a single output is specified the outputs will be returned as a cell array.... more 
Draws a vertical line on the current axes at the location specified by x. The line is held on the current axes, and after plotting the line, the function returns the axes to its prior hold state. The HandleVisibility property of the line object is set to "off", so not only does it not appear on legends, but it cannot be found by using findobj. Specifying an output argument causes the function to return a handle to the line, so it can be manipulated or deleted. 
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