G = GeomStruct('Simple',hp,ht,rd,[vp],[vt],...
G = GeomStruct('LLA',RP,RT,[VP],[VT],[EarthModel or EarthRadius])
G = GeomStruct('ECF',RP,RT,[VP],[VT],[EarthModel or EarthRadius])
G = GeomStruct('ENU',RP,RT,[VP],[VT],[RefLLA]...
          [EarthModel or EarthRadius])
G = GeomStruct(XMLFile,[TALO])

Returns geometry structure with platform and target position, velocity in ECF coordinates given a list of input geometry specifications which depend on the geometry identifer. For all geometries if speed of platform or target not specified, velocities will be zero. If heading is not specified for platform and/or target, heading = 90 degrees (due east) is default. For a 'Simple' geometry, target will be placed at Lat = 0, Long = 0 at specified altitude, and platform will be located on the prime meridian (Long = 0) in the southern hemisphere at a latitude consistent with the input platform-to-target ground range, rd. This geometry assumes level flight of platform and target at (optional) specified headings. Function can also be used to change geometry parameters of an existing geometry structure. Type help struct/GeomStruct for more information.

ID [string/struct] 
Type for input geometry. May one of 'Simple', 'LLA', 'ECF', or 'ENU' or a case code string (see LinkCase or ABLCase for supported case codes), or an existing geometry structure to be modified (Type help /struct/GeomStruct). 
ID [string] 
'Simple' geometry 'LLA' geometry 'ECF' geometry 'ENU' geometry Name of xml file. Geometry will be imported from the specified xml file as saved by APIstruct.struct2xml. If the xml file has an element LUTFile with an h5 file name specified, the geometry will be loaded from the h5 file and the output will be an array of geometries. The default xml file location is the directory returned from ParamPath
hp [scalar] 
Altitude of platform above curved earth surface (m) 
ht [scalar] 
Altitude of target above curved earth surface (m) 
rd [scalar] 
Ground range of target from platform along curved earth surface (m) 
vp [scalar] 
(Optional) Speed of platform, defaults to zero (m/s) 
vt [scalar] 
(Optional) Speed of target, defaults to zero (m/s) 
PlatformHeading [scalar] 
(Optional) Heading clockwise from due north, defaults to 90 (East) (deg) 
TargetHeading [scalar] 
(Optional) Heading clockwise from due north, defaults to 90 (East) (deg) 
EarthRadius [scalar] 
(Optional) Spherical Earth Radius (m) 
RP [vector] 
3-element LLA position vector of platform, i.e. [lat,long,alt] ECF position vector for platform 3-element ENU position vector of platform, i.e. [East,North,Up] from reference location RefLLA (m) 
RT [vector] 
3-element LLA position vector of target ECF position vector for target 3-element ENU position vector of target (m) 
VP [vector] 
(Optional) 3-element LLA velocity vector of platform, i.e. [level speed,heading,vertical speed] (Optional) ECF velocity vector for platform (Optional) 3-element ENU velocity of platform (m/s) 
VT [vector] 
(Optional) 3-element LLA velocity vector of target (Optional) ECF velocity vector for target (Optional) 3-element ENU velocity of target (m/s) 
EarthModel [string] 
(Optional) Earth model, 'Geometric' (default) for a spherical earth or 'Geodetic' for oblate earth (Optional) Earth model, 'Geometric' (default) for a spherical earth or 'Geodetic' for an oblate earth (Optional) Earth model, 'Geometric' (default) for a spherical earth or 'Geodetic' for an oblate earth 
EarthRadius [scalar/vector] 
(Optional) If scalar - spherical Earth radius (EarthModel should be Geometric), if vector - [a b], where a is the equatorial radius and b is the polar radius. (Optional) If scalar - spherical Earth radius (EarthModel should be Geometric), if vector - [a b], where a is the equatorial radius and b is the polar radius. (Optional) If scalar - spherical Earth radius (EarthModel should be Geometric), if vector - [a b], where a is the equatorial radius and b is the polar radius. 
RefLLA [vector] 
(Optional) 3-element LLA position vectors [Lat Long Alt] for reference location. Lat is the Latitude in degrees (-90 to 90), Long is the longitude positions in degrees (-180 to 180), and Alt is the altitude (m). Defaults to [0 0 0] 
TALO [vector] 
(Optional) Engagement time to project or interpolate the geometry specified in the xml file. If not input, will use value in the h5 file. 
Return Values
Return Values 
G [struct] 
Geometry structure to be input to EngagementStruct or to update engagement case definition. 
G.Coordinates [string] 
Specifies the coordinate system used for defining the geometry - always 'ECF'. 
G.RP [vector] 
Platform position in ECF Coords (m) 
G.VP [vector] 
Platform velocity in ECF Coords (m/s) 
G.RT [vector] 
Target position in ECF Coords (m) 
G.VT [vector] 
Target velocity in ECF Coords (m/s) 
G.TALO [empty] 
Placeholder for target Time-After-Lift-Off 
G.EarthRadius [scalar/vector] 
Earth radius used (m). 
See Also
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