out = OceanAtmos(h,model,lambda,Location,[season],[ANAMflag])

Generates absorption and scattering coefficients as well as temperature and pressure using the LEEDR oceanic database and the Advanced Navy Aerosol Model (ANAM) or the Navy Aerosol Model (NAM). It will generate the proper structure for use in LEEDRAtmos based on the provided inputs.

h [vector] 
Altitude (m) 
model [string/cell] 
'A' for absorption, 'S' for scattering, 'E' for total extinction, 'T' for temperature, 'P' for pressure, 'R' for Relative humidity, 'D' for dewpoint, 'AA' for aerosol absorption, 'AS' for aerosol scattering, 'MA' for molecular absorption, and 'MS' for molecular scattering. Can be a cell array of models in which case the output can be a single matrix with the appropriate data or each model can be output into separate variables, see the examples below. If passed in as [], output will be a structure with all model data. 
lambda [string] 
Identifier for desired laser wavelength. 1 - '355', 0.355 microns, 2 - '380', 0.380 microns, 3 - '400', 0.400 microns, 4 - '532', 0.532 microns, 5 - '525', 0.525 microns, 6 - '550', 0.550 microns, 7 - '620', 0.620 microns, 8 - '650', 0.650 microns, 9 - '670', 0.670 microns, 10 - '680', 0.680 microns, 11 - '690', 0.690 microns, 12 - '1000', 1.000 microns, 13 - '1030', 1.030 microns, 14 - '1045', 1.045 microns, 15 - '1054', 1.054 microns, 16 - '1064', 1.0642 microns, 17 - '1315', 1.31525 microns, 18 - '1586', 1.586 microns, 19 - '1625', 1.625 microns, 20 - '2141', 2.141 microns, 21 - '3800', 3.800 microns, 22 - '4636', 4.636 microns, 23 - '9300', 9.300 microns, 24 - '10600', 10.600 microns 
location [vector] 
[Lat Lon] of ocean site. If not a valid site, a warning is issued and standard meteorological parameters are used. 
season [scalar] 
(Optional) Index to season: 1 - summer (default), 2 - winter 
ANAMflag [logical] 
(Optional) If true, ANAM model is used, otherwise, NAM is used. The default is true. 
Return Values
Return Values 
out [vector] 
Absorption or scattering coefficient (1/m), temperature (K), pressure (Pa), rel humidity (%), or dewpoint (K) 

>> h = linspace(10,1000,10)'; 

>> Abs = OceanAtmos(h,'A','1315',[0 0],1) 

  • Compute absorption for the specified inputs - must have p-code or m-code version of LEEDR on the path
>> data = OceanAtmos(h,{'A' 'T'},'1315',[0 0],1) 

  • Returns a nx2 matrix with absorption in column 1 and temperature in column 2
>> data = OceanAtmos(h,[],'1315',[0 0],1) 

  • Returns a structure with all of the models (including a breakout of aerosol and molecular absorption and scattering)
>> Atm = AtmStruct(GeomStruct,100,'Abs','OceanAtmos','A','1315',[0 0]) 

  • Atm structure using the Marine data

See Also
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