Targ = TargStruct([TargDesc],[objSize],[objRes])
Targ = TargStruct([class],[Stage],[DataClassification])
Targ = TargStruct(XMLFile)

Returns a target structure. If SCALE is not available or no inputs are given, a default target structure is returned with BILLpt = [], trackpt = [0;0], and all other fields empty.

TargDesc [string] 
(Optional) Name of a function or function handle to a function that returns a target structure or a string indicating one of the target shapes available ('cylinder,' 'box,' or 'targetboard') 
objSize [array] 
Size of the object. Interpretation depends on the target shape (see below). (Optional) Radius and length of the cylinder. The radius defaults to 1 m. If not input or scalar, length will default to twice the radius. (Optional) Lengths of the sides. If scalar, will model a cube. Defaults to 1 m cube. (Optional) Lengths of the sides. If scalar will model a square. Defaults to 1 m square. Bottom radius and height of the shape. If scalar, assumes the height is 1 m unless 'hemisphere' is specified. If 3 elements, Bottom radius, height, and cylinder length, a cylinder will be added to the object. 
objRes [scalar] 
Number of facets to model. Interpretation depends on the target shape (see below). (Optional) Number of facets around the diameter to model. Defaults to 20. (Optional) Square root of the number of facets on a side. Defaults to a single facet per side. (Optional) Square root of the total number of facets. Defaults to a single two-sided facet. (Optional) Number of facets around the diameter to model. Defaults to 20. 
class [scalar] 
(Optional) Identifier for target class (see ABLCaseTargData) 
Stage [scalar] 
(Optional) Missile stage (1 or 2) (see ABLCaseTargData) 
DataClassification [string] 
(Optional) Classification of the data. Can be either 'U' for unclassified or 'S' for secret. 
XMLFile [string] 
Name of xml file. Target parameters will be imported from the specified xml file as saved by APIstruct.struct2xml. The default xml file location is the directory returned from ParamPath
'cylinder,' models a cylinder centered around the x-axis with motion in the x-axis 'box,' models a 3 dimensional box with motion in the x-axis and a zenith direction in the z-axis 'targetboard,' models 2 dimensional targetboard in the xy-plane with motion in the x-axis and zenith direction in the z-axis 'cone', 'ogive', 'hemisphere', 'ellipsoid' models the specified shape with the x-axis being the axis of rotation, motion in the x-axis and the zenith direction in the z-axis 
Return Values
Return Values 
Targ [struct] 
Structure of target parameters 
Targ.class [scalar] 
Target class 
Targ.FuelType [string] 
Fuel type for the target booster 
Targ.Stage [scalar] 
Current selected stage - used for engagement modeling. Default value is 1. 
Targ.trackpt [vector] 
Location of track point relative to missile nose (m) 
Targ.BILLpt [vector] 
Location of BILL point relative to missile nose (m). If it is empty, the BILL point is the default BILLpt in Targ.defaultBILLpt. This field is almost always empty unless a specific BILLpt is desired. To force the use of a specific BILLpt, use CaseStruct to change 'BILLpt'. 
The minimum of the isoplanatic BILL point and the Beacon Margin (P.Tx.AO.BeaMargin + Targ.trackpt). 
Targ.HELpt [vector] 
Location of HEL relative to missile nose (m). If it is empty, the HEL point for an engagement will be computed based on information in HELPointing. 
Targ.TargetRadius [scalar] 
Radius of target body 
Targ.StageLength [scalar] 
Physical length of each stage body (m) 
Targ.StartTALO [scalar] 
Start time of the current stage (s) after lift-off 
Targ.StopTALO [scalar] 
Stop time of the current stage (s) after lift-off 
Targ.EngageCond [scalar] 
Flag of 0,1, or 2 indicating which engagement condition to use: CloudFreeAlt, Co-Altitude, Elevation angle>=0, respectively 
Targ.Flyout [struct] 
Structure containing target trajectory data 
Targ.Lethality [struct] 
Structure of target lethality data 
Targ.HELPointing [struct] 
Parameters for computing aimpoint 
Targ.Object [struct] 
Parameters for the target when TargDesc is one of the standard object models 

>> Targ = TargStruct('cylinder',[0.5,4]) 

  • Cylinder target with radius 0.5m and length 4m
>> Targ = TargStruct('cone',[0.5,2,4]) 

  • Cone target with bottom radius 0.5m, cone length 2m, and cylinder length 4m
>> plotObject(Targ) 

  • View the resulting target object

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