[LEGH,OBJH,OUTH,OUTM] = clickableLegend([AX],{[string1],...
              [stringN]},'group',grps,'displayedLines',lines, ...)

clickableLegend is a wrapper around the Matlab function LEGEND that provides the added functionality to turn on and off (hide or show) a graphics object (line or patch) by clicking on its text label in the legend. Call with no inputs to place a clickableLegend on the current plot. Its usage is the same as the Matlab function. For further information please see the LEGEND documentation.

AX [scalar] 
(Optional) Axes handle for legend 
string1..stringN [string] 
(Optional) Strings for legend labels. Also string1 could be a cell array containing all labels. 
grps [vector] 
(Optional) Must be preceded by keyword 'groups'. A vector specifying the group membership for every line object. The grouping parameter lets you have a group of lines represented and controlled by one entry in the legend. 
lines [vector] 
(Optional) Must be preceded by the keyword 'displayedLines'. A vector of indices corresponding to the lines or groups that should be displayed initially. 
Return Values
Return Values 
LEGH [scalar] 
A handle to the legend axes 
OBJH [vector] 
A vector containing handles for the text, lines, and patches in the legend 
OUTH [vector] 
A vector of handles to the lines and patches in the plot 
OUTM [cell] 
A cell array containing the text in the legend 

  1. If you save the figure and re-load it, the toggling functionality is not automatically re-enabled. To restore it, simply call clickableLegend with no arguments.

  1. To prevent the axis from automatically scaling every time a line is turned on and off, issue the command: axis manual


>> z = peaks(100); 

>> plot(z(:,26:5:50)); grid on; axis manual; 

>> clickableLegend({'Line1','Line2','Line3','Line4','Line5'}, ... 

'Location', 'NorthWest'); 

>> f = plot([1:10;1:2:20]','x'); hold on; 

>> g = plot(sin([1:10;1:2:20]'),'r-'); 

>> h = plot(11:20,rand(5,10)*5,'b:'); 

>> clickableLegend([f;g;h], {'Line1','Line2','Line3'},... 

'groups', [1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3], 'displayedLines', [2 3]);

See Also


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