[G ECI] = propTLE(TLE,startTime,elapsedTime,[GEOM]);
[pos vel time] = propTLE(TLE,startTime,elapsedTime);

Returns a geometry structure of ECF positions and velocities by propagating the input TLE set using the NORAD SGP4/SDP4 propagator. This code runs much faster when using the calling sequence with three outputs: matrices for position and velocity in ECI coordinates and time.

TLE [struct] 
TLE structure from TLEExtract 
startTime [date] 
Start time (in UT1) - can be any acceptable Matlab date format. If empty, startTime is the TLE Epoch Date. 
elapseTime [vector] 
Time vector for propagation from startTime or length of time to propagate from startTime (sec) 
GEOM [struct/list] 
(Optional) Geometry structure defining observer position and velocity as from GeomStruct or a list of (RPLLA,[VPLLA],[RE]). Defaults to LLA position and velocity equal [0 0 0]. 
RPLLA [vector] 
(Optional) Observer LLA position [Lat Long Alt] 
VPLLA [vector] 
(Optional) Observer LLA velocity [Vxy Heading Vz] 
RE [scalar/vector] 
(Optional) Earth radius, defaults to PhysicalConst('reequator','repole') 
Return Values
Return Values 
G [struct] 
Array of ECF geometry structures 
ECI [struct] 
Contains the satellite position, velocity, and time data 
ECI.pos [array] 
X, Y, Z position data (m) 
ECI.vel [array] 
X, Y, Z velocity data (m/s) 
ECI.time [array] 
Time required for conversion from ECI to ECF (sec) 
pos [array] 
X, Y, Z position data in ECI coordinates (m) 
vel [array] 
X, Y, Z velocity data in ECI coordinates (m/s) 
time [array] 
Time required for conversion from ECI to ECF (sec) 

  • Hoots F., Roehrich R., Spacetrack Report No.3, 1980

See Also
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